"Worried About Ray," the band's first single off of their 2007 album The Trick to Life, really provided a great intro for The Hoosiers. The beats were solid, the lyrical content was mysterious (who is Ray?), and the video also showed the comedic sides of the band members. Their second single, however, was even more infectious.
"Goodbye Mr. A" is a go-to, feel-good song that proved to be even more successful than "Worried About Ray" in Europe. Some people think the song is a complete rip from Electronic Light Orchestra's "Mr. Blue Sky," but I personally believe the differences are enough and that the similarities are merely stylistic ones. Upbeat and fun, The Hoosiers are a band you listen to when you're feeling good or want to be energized. Irwin also proves he has the vocal chops to take the tempo down a notch, too; in "Clinging on for Life," his voice is mellow yet steady enough to float over the music to make it work.
I enjoy this band's music because their songs are simple, fun, and enjoyable. There isn't too much thinking or speculating involved, and I think we could all used some of that now and then; not everything has to be "deep and meaningful" and cause a controversy. Other songs worth checking out on The Trick to Life include "Killer" and "Cops and Robbers." Definitely check out their website; very animated, just like them.
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