So this feminine-looking version of Daniel Craig was once voted the Most Beautiful Man in the World by God knows who. I don't see it, but maybe it's a Swedish thing. *shrug*
100,000 Years is a song I came across on Pandora that reminded me of the 80s. Jay-Jay's voice is hauntingly beautiful, and even though this song has the power to depress you, it can really provide some peace and calm. I can't believe he's relatively unknown in the U.S., though. Check out this little gem. The tears you get from (possibly) becoming depressed after listening are worth it.
I am absolutely addicted to this song. The first time I heard a song from Passion Pit, I was like, "What is this?" It wasn't necessarily said in a good way, either. I was confused. There were so many instruments clashing in the background and I didn't enjoy what I heard at all. But they grew on me. Fast. This five-member band is like a happier, upbeat version of MGMT (whose recently released official video of "Kids" is extremely odd and nightmarish), so for those of you who like electronic synthesis as the backdrop to the male voice, Passion Pit is a must-hear.
The story of how the band came together is quite cute. Michael, the lead singer of Passion Pit, formed the band after presenting four of the songs on the band's first EP, Chunk of Change, to his girlfriend for Valentine's Day while they were still students at Emerson College. It doesn't seem like they're together anymore, but how could anyone say no to a guy who wants to be that creative for you?
Both Chunk of Change and Manners, which came out in May of this year, are worth checking out. Passion Pit doesn't just produce dance-with-yourself-in-your-bedroom music, but songs that will keep you coming back for more. Fun stuff, guys.
I can't believe he's gone. I remember I was absolutely in love with his music when I was five years old. My mom brought up the fact today that when I was little and en route to Asia on the 20+ hour plane ride, I listened to a cassette tape of Black and White throughout the entire trip.
"With headphones?" I asked my mom.
"No, you didn't wear headphones."
"What? Did I drive all of the other passengers crazy?" I asked. Apparently, I didn't drive them crazy. They were pleasantly surprised that I listened to Michael Jackson and was a young fan. Still, I can't believe I didn't wear headphones when I listened to that tape over and over again on the flight. Apologizes to all who did go nuts because of me that day.
Anyway, respect to the man who was an amazing musician/artist/performer. May he rest in peace.
I came across this song over two years ago and I still love listening to it. There's something extremely romantic and sad to the song, and maybe that's what makes "Mathematics" so appealing; we can all relate to the mood of the piece, in one way or another.
Meet me on the corner by the fire escape and I’ll be waiting, Every inch of back roads that have put me here will disappear, And I’d hold you in my arms, Cold mathematics making its move on me now,
Peacocks on the chopping block and in the docks, my hopes are burning, Beautiful and trivial and baby just out of reach, So hear the unforgiven sounds, Of cold mathematics making its move on me now,
Warm starts the great silence, The only place I have left to go, And I’d hold you in my arms, Cold mathematics making its move on me now,
It’s funny how I always seem to alienate the people that I'm trying to impress, One day I will learn to shine, To the unforgiven sounds, Of cold mathematics making its move on me now,
And I’d hold you in my arms, Cold mathematics making its move on me now,
Cold mathematics making its move, Cold mathematics making its move, Cold mathematics making its move.
Simon Aldred, the lead singer of Cherry Ghost, has a really folksy voice that allows the song to be sad, yet not mopey. All of Cherry Ghost's songs on the band's debut album, Thirst for Romance (2007), show off Simon's distinct sound in many different ways, but "Mathematics" is the best track on the entire album (not that the other songs aren't worth checking out).
Rock or Not? There are a couple of bands/artists that I'll be taking a look at who are ... undergoing identity crises? Hard to say. One of the bands is trying to establish a rock image, but is that possible with the background of the lead singer? Here's a hint: Mmmmmm. :D
Another singer, a much venerated rocker from the 90s, has taken quite a few experimental turns with his solo albums. He's gotten a lot of criticism for his every endeavor, but I'm going to try to explain how it all works out for him.
** I know there's been a lack of rock/hip-hop so far and I'm working on it. I've just been in an electro phase of late. It'll be over soon. **
Now these boys are adorable. Don't let the name fool you, though. The Hoosiers are NOT American. The name came about (according to Wiki) after Alphonso (drums) and Irwin (vocals) attended the University of Indianapolis (located in the Hoosier State) on a football scholarship. Hailing from various parts of Europe (although concentrated in the UK), The Hoosiers are bright, refreshing indie pop. These guys sound like they're truly having fun making music and what listener wouldn't appreciate that?
"Worried About Ray," the band's first single off of their 2007 album The Trick to Life, really provided a great intro for The Hoosiers. The beats were solid, the lyrical content was mysterious (who is Ray?), and the video also showed the comedic sides of the band members. Their second single, however, was even more infectious.
"Goodbye Mr. A" is a go-to, feel-good song that proved to be even more successful than "Worried About Ray" in Europe. Some people think the song is a complete rip from Electronic Light Orchestra's "Mr. Blue Sky," but I personally believe the differences are enough and that the similarities are merely stylistic ones. Upbeat and fun, The Hoosiers are a band you listen to when you're feeling good or want to be energized. Irwin also proves he has the vocal chops to take the tempo down a notch, too; in "Clinging on for Life," his voice is mellow yet steady enough to float over the music to make it work.
I enjoy this band's music because their songs are simple, fun, and enjoyable. There isn't too much thinking or speculating involved, and I think we could all used some of that now and then; not everything has to be "deep and meaningful" and cause a controversy. Other songs worth checking out on The Trick to Life include "Killer" and "Cops and Robbers." Definitely check out their website; very animated, just like them.
So if this is the first time you're seeing Kerli, you probably think she looks like a cross between Amy Winehouse and Natasha Bedingfield. Yes, you'd be partially right; Kerli does sound like a grittier Natasha when she sings "The Creationist," one of my favorite songs on her 2008 album, Love is Dead.
The cover art, as well as the album name itself, says a lot about Kerli as an artist and the songs that she sings. She has a very dark and ethereal image and her voice is haunting, somewhat reminiscent of Evanescence (what happened to them, anyway?), but more feminine and romantic. This isn't music to rock out to, though; if anything, it's more ... contemplative music? Hailing from Estonia, this 22-year old is finally breaking through in America.
Kerli's most well-known song is probably "Walking on Air," a song with a really catchy chorus and (as might be expected) a really creepy video.
A lot of people, after viewing this music video, label Kerli a wannabe Lady Gaga, but that's definitely not the case! Their sounds are completely different. Kerli is more child-like and doll-like, whereas Lady Gaga is ... you can see for yourself on the latest Rolling Stone cover. Kerli has something else going on, and whatever it is, I definitely hope it continues.